International Women’s Day

I wrote this poem a while ago. Before quitting my job. Before taking regular walks in the country, and before gathering weekly with a circle of my soul sisters. I dedicate it to all the women of the world searching for their voice and their freedom– from the boardroom to the bedroom to the backyard. Happy Women’s Day, sisters.


Being a strong, authentic, and assertive woman

as well as a good mother

and wife

and daughter

and neighbor

and citizen

and friend

is so fucking hard.

I want to undo the word good. To hold it in my hand like a fuzzy dandelion and blow all its trappings to the wind.

Poof. Gone.

No longer needed, I want to take hold of the lash’s tail, and with newfound Herculean strength, send the whip master flying through space

to be lost forever

I want to purge the shame and the guilt that have taken root in my being and poisoned my spirit for so long. I want to rip their heaviness out of my depths and tend to the wounded space they hoarded.

I want to scream and flail and shake out of my skin like a

snake possessed

Feeling Rawness and Emptiness, I will birth new cells.

Growing my hair long and letting it tangle, coloring my naked feet with the earth, I will listen for my gut-master.
             Devouring her teachings, I will compassionately disappoint,
keeping my compass always pointing


Moving slowly and deeply and suckling Mother Earth’s breast, 

I will cultivate patience.

I will learn to trust.

I will pulse in rhythm with the universe.